
Hostinger Webhosting Review: The Best Cheap Web Hosting Option?

Hostinger Webhosting Review

Affiliate Disclosure – Some of the links mentioned in this post are my affiliate links, which means that if you click on any link and subsequently make a purchase, I will earn a commission at no additional cost to you.

Are you looking for a web hosting company that is both affordable and reliable?

If so, Hostinger may be the perfect option for you!

In this Hostinger Webhosting review, I will take a look at all of the pros and cons of using their services.

Hostinger is one of the most popular web hosting companies on the internet, and for a good reason – they offer some of the best prices around.

I have done multiple tests on Hostinger’s servers for this review, and I can say that they are definitely fast.

But is that all they have to offer? Let’s find out!

Hostinger Rating 9/10


Products by Hositnger
  • Wordpress Hosting Starting - $1.99/Month
  • Shared Hosting Starting - $1.99/Month
  • VPS Hosting Starting - $2.49/Month
  • Email Hosrting - $0.99/Month
  • Cloud Hosting Stating - 9.99/Month

About Hostinger

Hostinger is a web hosting company that was founded in 2004.

The company provides a variety of hosting services, including shared hosting, cloud hosting, and VPS hosting.

Hostinger is headquartered in Kaunas, Lithuania and has offices in the United States, Brazil, Indonesia, and Turkey.

The company has over 29 million customers in 178 countries.

In 2018, Hostinger was ranked as the #1 web hosting provider in Europe and the #2 web hosting provider in the world.

The company has received numerous awards for its products and services, including the Best Web Hosting Provider award from PCMag in 2019.

Hostinger is dedicated to providing quality hosting services at an affordable price.

The company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee so that customers can try their service without risk.

Hostinger also has 24/7/365 customer support so that customers can get help whenever they need it.

Products By Hositnger

WordPress Hosting

WordPress hosting by Hostinger is a well-known web hosting provider that offers a wide variety of features to its users.

One of the most popular features of Hostinger WordPress hosting is its easy to use control panel. This control panel makes it easy for users to install WordPress with just a few clicks.

Additionally, Hostinger provides a wide range of plugins and themes that can be used to customize your WordPress website.

Another great feature of Hostinger WordPress hosting is its 24/7 customer support.

This customer support team is available to help you with any issues you may have with your WordPress website.

Overall, Hostinger WordPress hosting is a great option for those who are looking for an easy to use and affordable web hosting provider.

There are 4 plans offered here

  1. Single WordPress (Ideal solution for beginners) – $1.99/mo
  2. WordPress Starter (Perfect package for personal websites) – $3.99/mo
  3. Business WordPress (Optimized for small businesses) – $6.99/mo
  4. WordPress Pro (Optimized for small and medium businesses) – $11.59/mo

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting by Hostinger is a great way to get your website up and running without breaking the bank.

With shared hosting, your website shares a server with other websites.

This can help keep costs down, as you only need to pay for the server space you use. Shared hosting is a great option for small businesses or personal websites that don’t need a lot of resources.

Hostinger’s shared hosting plans come with everything you need to get started, including a free domain name, email accounts, and 24/7 support.

Plus, their innovative Cloud platform makes it easy to scale your website as you grow.

If you’re looking for an affordable and easy-to-use shared hosting solution, Shared Hoting by Hostinger is the perfect choice.

There are 3 plans offered here

  1. Single Shared Hosting (Ideal solution for beginners) – $1.99/mo
  2. Premium Shared Hosting (Perfect package for personal websites) – $2.99/mo
  3. Business Shared Hosting (Optimized for small businesses) – $4.99/mo

VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is a type of web hosting that uses virtual private servers to provide customers with more control over their website.

Unlike shared hosting, which puts your website on a server with other websites, VPS gives you your own dedicated server.

This means that you can customize your server to fit your specific needs, and you’ll also get more bandwidth and storage than you would with shared hosting.

In addition, VPS hosting is more secure than shared hosting, since your website will be isolated from other websites on the server.

As a result, VPS is ideal for businesses or individuals who need more control over their website.

VPS Hosting by hostinger provides users with a wide range of options forserver hosting.

With VPS Hosting, you can choose from a variety of server hosting environments, each with its own set of features and benefits.

Whether you’re looking for a high-powered dedicated server or a more flexible virtual private server, hostinger has a solution that will fit your needs. In addition, hostinger offers a wide range of tools and services to help you get the most out of your VPS Hosting experience.

From web design and development to email and marketing, hostinger has everything you need to make your online presence a success.

Here you get 8 different plans starting from $2.49/mo to $77.99/mo

Email Hosting

Email hosting by Hostinger provides a reliable and secure platform for businesses to communicate with their customers.

By using industry-leading protocols, Hostinger ensures that all data is transferred securely and reliably.

In addition, Hostinger’s email hosting services are backed by a 99.9% uptime guarantee, ensuring that business communications are always available.

By using email hosting by Hostinger, businesses can be confident that their customer communications are always safe and sound.

There are 2 plans here

  1. Business Email – $0.99/mo
  2. Enterprise Email – $2.49/mo

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is a type of web hosting that uses a network of servers to store data and files.

Unlike traditional web hosting, which stores data on a single server, cloud hosting stores data on multiple servers.

This has several advantages.

First, it helps to ensure that data is always available, even if one server goes down.

Second, it allows for much higher levels of traffic, as there is no limit to the number of servers that can be used.

Third, it can be more cost-effective than traditional web hosting, as agencies only pay for the resources they use.

Finally, it can be more scalable, as agencies can easily add or remove resources as their needs change.

For these reasons, cloud hosting is an increasingly popular choice for businesses and organizations of all sizes.

There are 3 different plans here

  1. Cloud Startup – $9.99/mo
  2. Cloud Professional – $14.99/mo
  3. Cloud Enterprise – $29.99/mo

Hostinger Shared Hosting Features

Single Shared Hosting

$ 1.99 Monthly
  • 1 Website
  • 50 GB SSD Storage
  • 1 Email Account
  • 100 GB Bandwidth
  • 2 Databases
  • Free SSL
  • Cloudflare Protected Nameservers
  • Cloudflare CDN ($9.95 value)
  • Weekly Backups
  • Free Domain ($8.99 value)
  • Managed WordPress
  • WordPress Acceleration
  • WordPress Staging Tool
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • GIT Access
  • SSH Access
  • DNS Management
  • Access Manager
  • 2 Subdomains
  • 1 FTP Account
  • 2 Cronjobs

Premium Shared Hosting

$ 2.99 Monthly
  • 100 Websites
  • 100 GB SSD Storage
  • Free Email
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Databases
  • Free SSL
  • Cloudflare Protected Nameservers
  • Cloudflare CDN ($9.95 value)
  • Weekly Backups
  • Free Domain ($8.99 value)
  • Managed WordPress
  • WordPress Acceleration
  • WordPress Staging Tool
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • GIT Access
  • SSH Access
  • DNS Management
  • Access Manager
  • 2 Subdomains
  • Unlimited FTP Account
  • Unlimited Cronjobs

Business Shared Hosting

$ 4.99 Monthly
  • 100 Websites
  • 200 GB SSD Storage
  • Free Email
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Databases
  • Free SSL
  • Cloudflare Protected Nameservers
  • Cloudflare CDN ($9.95 value)
  • Weekly Backups
  • Free Domain ($8.99 value)
  • Managed WordPress
  • WordPress Acceleration
  • WordPress Staging Tool
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • GIT Access
  • SSH Access
  • DNS Management
  • Access Manager
  • 2 Subdomains
  • Unlimited FTP Account
  • Unlimited Cronjobs

Hostinger has many features as mentioned above, but let’s see some of the important features a little bit in detail.

Data Center Locations

Data centers are the heart of hosting services. By ensuring that they are located in strategic locations around the world, Hostinger is able to offer its customers the best possible service. The company’s data centers are situated in

  • Europe (Netherlands, Lithuania, United Kingdom)
  • Asia (Singapore, India)
  • North America (USA)
  • South America (Brazil).

This ensures that there is always a data center close to where our customers are situated. This gives us the ability to offer high-speed connections and low latency times.

In addition, we have invested heavily in our data center infrastructure, making sure that our facilities are up to the highest standards.

This includes state-of-the-art security systems and fire suppression systems.

By investing in the best possible data center infrastructure, Hostinger is able to offer its customers a reliable and safe hosting experience.

Control Panel

Hostinger’s Control Panel is one of the most user-friendly on the market.

The intuitive design and layout make it easy to find the features you need when you need them.

And, if you ever have any questions, our 24/7 support team is always just a click away.

Plus, our Control Panel is constantly being updated with new features and improvements, so you can be sure that you’re always getting the best possible experience.

Weekly Backups

No website is complete without a plan for data backup and disaster recovery. Although it may seem like a time-consuming and tedious task, backing up your site on a regular basis is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure its long-term viability.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to automate the process, so it doesn’t have to be a major burden.

Hostinger, for example, offers weekly backups as part of its hosting packages.

This means that all of your data will be backed up automatically, with no action required on your part.

In the event of an unforeseen disaster, you can rest assured that your data will be safe and sound.

WordPress Staging Tool

Hostinger’s WordPress Staging Tool is the perfect way to test out new plugins, themes, and site designs before making them live.

With just a few clicks, you can create a clone of your site on a separate server, where you can experiment to your heart’s content.

Best of all, changes made on the staging site will not affect your live site, so you can rest assured that your visitors will never see half-finished changes. When you’re happy with your changes, simply push them live with one click. There’s no need to manually migrate files or export/import databases – everything is taken care of for you.

So if you’re looking for a hassle-free way to test out new ideas on your WordPress site, Hostinger’s WordPress Staging Tool is the perfect solution.

SSH Access

SSH Access of hostinger is used to secure the communication between the client and server.

The data that is passing through the network is first encrypted and then decrypted on the other side.

This helps to prevent anyone from eavesdropping on the communication and stealing any sensitive data.

SSH Access of hostinger also allows you to remotely log in to the server and run commands as if you were physically present in front of it.

This can be very useful for managing a server from a distance. In order to use SSH Access of hostinger, you will need to have an SSH client installed on your computer.

There are many different SSH clients available, so you should choose one that is compatible with your operating system.

Once you have installed a client, you will need to configure it to connect to the server.

This usually involves entering the hostname or IP address of the server, as well as the port number that SSH is running on.

You will also need to provide a username and password for authenticating with the server.

Once you have configured your client, you should be able to connect to the server and start running commands.

SSD Storage

Hostinger is a web hosting platform that offers a variety of storage options, including SSD storage.

SSD storage is a newer technology that offers several benefits over traditional hard drive storage, including faster data access speeds and lower power consumption.

Hostinger provides SSD storage as an upgrade option for its users, offering a significant performance boost for websites and apps that require fast data access.

In addition to faster data access speeds, SSD storage also offers improved reliability and stability, making it an ideal choice for mission-critical applications.

Hostinger’s SSD storage option is available on all of its plans, making it a great choice for users who need the performance benefits of SSD storage without breaking the bank.

Hostinger Performance

Load Time

As the name suggests, load time is the amount of time it takes for a page to load.

This can be affected by a number of factors, including the size of the page, the number of elements on the page, and the speed of the server.

A slow load time can be frustrating for users, and it can also lead to higher bounce rates and lower conversion rates.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to improve load times.

For example, Hostinger offers a free CDN service that can help to speed up page loading times.

Additionally, Hostinger provides a variety of caching options that can further improve performance.

By taking advantage of these features, you can ensure that your pages load quickly and efficiently.

To test the load time of Hostinger I used four tools Pingdom, Google Pagespeedinsights, GT Metrix, and WebpageTest.

After performing the test on these four tools I found the following results consistently, averaging  1.49 sec

Tool Used Load Time
GT Metrix
1.41 sec
1.64 sec
1.54 sec
PageSpeed Insights
1.40 sec

UP Time

Hostinger is one of the most popular web hosting providers in the world. Founded in 2004, the company has grown rapidly, serving millions of customers in over 190 countries.

One of the things that set Hostinger apart from other providers is its uptime guarantee.

The company promises that its servers will be up and running 99.9% of the time.

That means that your website will only be down for an average of one hour per month.

As per the test that was carried out in the last three years the average was 99.96%

Year UP Time
99.98 %

Server Response Time

Hostinger is one of the most popular web hosting providers on the market. Though their services are reliable and their prices are reasonable, their server response time could use some improvement.

The average response time for a Hostinger server is around 328 ms, which is a bit slower than other providers.

However, this is still within the acceptable range for most websites.

If your website is particularly image-heavy or has a lot of videos, you may want to consider using another provider with a faster response time.

However, for most users, Hostinger’s server response time will not be a major issue.

To test the server response time I used Pingdom, Google Pagespeedinsights, GT Metrix, and WebpageTest.

The results were as followed

Tool Used Load Time
GT Metrix
257 ms
359 ms
469 ms
PageSpeed Insights
228 ms

Global TTFB

The Global TTFB is the time it takes for a web page to load from anywhere in the world.

This metric is important for measuring the performance of a website, as it can impact the user experience.

In general, a lower TTFB is better, as it indicates that the site is able to load quickly.

However, there are many factors that can impact the TTFB, such as the content of the page, the server location, and the connection speed.

Therefore, it is important to consider all of these factors when interpreting the Global TTFB.

For instance, a site with a high TTFB may still be performing well if it has many large images or videos on the page.

In conclusion, the Global TTFB is an important metric for measuring website performance, but it should be considered along with other factors in order to get a complete picture.

To test the Global TTFB of Hostinger I used these tools on different location servers and the results were as followed

Locations Global TTFB
267 ms
187 ms
231 ms
191 ms
61 ms
242 ms
87 ms
UK London
86 ms
USA East
138 ms
South Africa
348 ms

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are a set of key metrics that Google measures to evaluate the user experience of a website.

They include things like load time, interactivity, and visual stability.

Google has announced that these metrics will become a ranking factor in its search algorithm in 2021, so it’s important for webmasters to start paying attention to them now.

Hostinger is committed to helping our users achieve great results on Core Web Vitals, and we have a number of resources to help you get started.

The three most important metric are Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift.

After the test the average results were as followed

Largest Contentful Paint First Input Delay Cumulative Layout Shift
687 ms
23 ms
0 ms

User Interface

Hostinger Webhosting Review
Hostinger Webhosting Review
start a blog
start a blog
Untitled design 14
Untitled design 15

Pros and Cons


– Cheap and affordable

– Good uptime guarantee

– Variety of caching options

-User friendly interface

-Good speed

-Unlimited Migration

-Good Security

-Good number of Data center Locations


– Server response time could be faster

– Only 1 SSL certificate


About Hostinger Money Back Guarantee

One of the best about this company is that it offers a money-back guarantee.

Hostinger will refund your hosting fees if you’re not satisfied with their service within the first 30 days.

This is a great way to try out their service and see if it’s a good fit for your needs.

Overall, Hostinger is a great option for those looking for cheap, reliable web hosting.

Do I recommend Hostinger?

Well to answer this question we will have to look at all the Hostinger features, Pricing, Uptime, Speed, and Support.

As per the whole analysis that I’ve put above, personally, I can answer this question in two parts

The first is, Yes I do recommend Hostinger Webhosting but there is a catch here, I would definitely recommend this product to people who are just getting started and will be on a budget.

This is a very excellent product for people who are on a budget and are just getting started.

But I will not recommend this to people who have heavy websites and are expecting a lot of traffic because Hostinger’s average response time is a little bit on the higher side.

I personally use Hostinger for smaller sites and have had a good experience with their Hosting and Support.

My Alternatives

Screenshot 2022 07 19T125140.502

Rating – 9.1/10


Screenshot 2022 07 24T164759.642

Rating – 8.8/10


Screenshot 2022 07 20T140522.838

Rating – 8.7/10


Final Thoughts

Hostinger is a great option for those who are looking for cheap web hosting.

They offer a variety of features at an affordable price, and their uptime guarantee is one of the best in the industry.

However, their server response time could be faster, and they only offer one SSL certificate.

Overall, Hostinger is a good option if you are just getting started.

I hope I have answered everything that you want to know about Hostinger in this Hostinger Webhosting Review.


Web hosting is a service that makes your website available on the internet. When you get a hosting plan, you rent space on a physical server to store all the website’s data and files. There are many types of hosting available, such as shared hosting, WordPress hosting, and VPS. While most web hosting providers offer similar plans, the more popular a website is, the more resources it will need to function effectively.

Hostinger helps you scale your hosting plans when you need it. So, you can start with a simple shared hosting plan and gradually upgrade to a cloud hosting or even a VPS hosting plan.

The most common types of hosting include:

Shared hosting. Multiple websites are hosted on the same server, and each user is allocated a certain amount of storage space and resources. Often, this is the most affordable option available, so it is a great hosting option for hobbyists and bloggers.

VPS hosting. A virtual private server (VPS) setup generally uses more powerful hardware, making it possible for the web host to create a virtual partition for each user. It’s an excellent option for users with more advanced technical knowledge.

Cloud hosting. In this setup, websites run on multiple virtual or cloud servers – not just one physical server – reducing possible downtime and hardware failure. If you need access to more server power, this type of hosting can be right for you.

Dedicated hosting. When you have a dedicated hosting plan, the server is dedicated to your website only – you don’t share storage space or resources with others. A dedicated hosting setup is usually recommended for professional web admins and developers.

Here at Hostinger, we aim to provide fast hosting with nearly 100% uptime at a truly unbeatable price.

Your website is a collection of files and (in most cases) databases that are shown to your visitors as they browse your site. Hostinger, like most web hosts, allocates storage space for your website’s files and databases on a server.

When you sign up for Hostinger’s hosting plans, you’ll receive login details to access your hosting account’s admin panel – the hPanel. In hPanel, you can manage all things related to your website, from hosting to domains, databases, files, and so on.

Yes – and we actively encourage you to do it. If you’re using a popular content management system such as WordPress or Drupal, we have tools that make switching between web host platforms easy and fast. Even if you’re not using a typical CMS or simply need a little help along the way, our Customer Success team will guide you through the process free of charge.

Yes and no. There are two versions of WordPress – WordPress.com and WordPress.org. WordPress.org users will need web hosting because it’s a content management system (CMS), not a platform built for hosting website files and databases. Because of that, many web hosts offer plans tailored for WordPress. Usually, WordPress hosting includes one-click installation and optimized features, so you don’t need any technical experience to get your site up and running.

Meanwhile, WordPress.com is a blogging service that includes web hosting in its plans, so you don’t need to purchase it from a separate web host.

No. Hostinger makes it as easy as possible for beginners to manage their websites. Many simple tasks, like setting up an email address or installing a content management system, can be done with just a few clicks and no prior technical knowledge.

Meanwhile, our web hosting services are also suitable for experienced web developers. That’s because we believe that there’s no reason why something can’t be both user-friendly and powerful.

If you face any issues, we offer a variety of online guides to walk you through all sorts of tasks. Plus, our Customer Success team is also more than happy to help if you get stuck.

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