
Kinsta WordPress WebHosting Review: The Best Webhost for WordPress?

kinsta wordpress webhosting review

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If you’re looking for the best WordPress hosting, you may have come across Kinsta.

They bill themselves as a “managed WordPress hosting” company, and they do have some pretty impressive features.

Kinsta is one of the most rapidly growing WordPress hosting companies.

But is Kinsta really the best WebHost for WordPress?

In this kinsta wordpress Webhosting review, I’ll take a look at Kinsta’s features and see how they compare to other popular Webhost like WP Engine and SiteGround.

I’ll also discuss whether or not Kinsta is worth the high price tag.

So without wasting time let’s get started!!!

Kinsta Rating - 9.1/10

Kinsta - Starter Plan

$ 35 Monthly
  • WordPress installs - 1
  • Monthly visits - 25000
  • SSD storage - 10GB
  • 34 global data center locations
  • Free premium migrations - 1
  • Free CDN - 100GB
  • Backup retention - 14 Days
  • Free one-click SSL certificate
  • Automatic daily backups
  • SLA-backed 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • PHP 8.0 & HTTP/3 support

Starting from just $35 and additional 2 months free if paid yearly.

About Kinsta

Kinsta is a web hosting company that was founded in 2013 by Nick Schäferhoff and Tom Klockwritten.

Kinsta specializes in providing managed WordPress hosting, and their services are used by over 80,000 customers in more than 100 countries.

Kinsta is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and has offices in London and New York City.

Kinsta has been recognized as a top WordPress hosting provider by multiple publications, including Forbes, Inc., and PCMag.

Kinsta was founded with the goal of simplifying managed WordPress hosting, and they have since become one of the leading providers of this type of service.

Kinsta offers a variety of features that make it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes, including unlimited bandwidth, free SSL certificates, and automatic backups. kinsta also provides 24/7 support from a team of WordPress experts.

Kinsta Data Center Locations

Kinsta has data centers located all around the world to make sure that your website is delivered as fast as possible, no matter where your visitors are located.

Kinsta’s data centers are spread across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

Kinsta has chosen to work with some of the most reputable and well-known data center providers in the world, such as Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, and DigitalOcean.

Kinsta’s focus on speed and uptime means that you can rest assured knowing that your website is in good hands.

Kinsta’s team of experts are constantly monitoring the data centers to make sure that everything is running smoothly and that your website is always available.

Kinsta’s commitment to quality and performance means that you can focus on running your business, leave the hosting to us.

Kinsta vs cPanel hosts

Kinsta and cPanel are two different types of web hosting providers.

Kinsta offers managed WordPress hosting, while cPanel is a popular control panel for web hosting accounts.

While they both offer similar services, there are some important differences between them.

Kinsta is a newer company that specializes in WordPress hosting, while cPanel is a more established provider that offers a wider range of services.

One of the biggest differences is that Kinsta uses Google’s cloud platform, which offers superior uptime and performance Kinsta is also more expensive than cPanel, but it offers a higher level of customer service and support.

In addition, Kinsta provides a simpler, more user-friendly interface than cPanel.

For these reasons, Kinsta is generally considered to be the better option for most users.

Kinsta Features

Kinsta has a lot of features that make it a great option for WordPress hosting, but here are some of the highlights:

Automatic Backups

Kinsta’s automatic backups create a restore point for your website every day.

This means that if something goes wrong with your site, you can easily revert back to a previous version.

Automatic backups are taken care of by Kinsta’s highly-optimized infrastructure, which is why they’re included for free with all of our hosting plans.

If you ever need to restore your site, simply open a support ticket and their team will take care of it for you.

Kinsta understand the importance of keeping your website up and running, and they try to help you every step of the way.

Kinsta also offers on-demand backups that can be taken at any time from within the MyKinsta dashboard.

These backups are compressed and stored in a ZIP file format. In the event that you need to restore your site, you can do so with just a few clicks.

Kinsta offers a hassle-free restoration process that will get your site up and running in no time.

Custom hosting dashboard

Kinsta’s custom hosting dashboard is designed to give users complete control over their web hosting experience.

From the dashboard, users can manage their account settings, view their site’s performance data, and access customer support.

The dashboard also provides a convenient way to monitor your site’s activity, track your bandwidth usage, and view your invoices.

Overall, the custom hosting dashboard makes it easy to keep track of your web hosting account and make the most of Kinsta’s features.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive and user-friendly hosting platform, Kinsta is definitely worth considering.

Two-factor authentication

Kinsta hosting platform uses two-factor authentication for user security.

This system requires a user to have two pieces of evidence to prove their identity before being granted access to an account or system.

Typically, the first factor is something the user knows, like a password, and the second factor is something the user has, like a physical key or an authentication code from an app on their smartphone.

Two-factor authentication can help to prevent unauthorized access to accounts and systems, even if an attacker has obtained the user’s password.

As a result, it is an important security measure for online platforms and businesses.

Kinsta’s two-factor authentication system is reliable and easy to use, making it a great choice for users who want to add an extra layer of security to their account.

In my personal opinion this is one of the most important factors when choosing a WordPress web host.

Free SSL certificate

Kinsta offers a free SSL certificate with all of their hosting plans.

SSL is a security protocol that encrypts data transmitted between a user’s browser and a website.

Encrypting this data can help to protect it from being intercepted by third parties, such as hackers.

Installing an SSL certificate on your website can also help to improve your search engine ranking, as Google now considers SSL to be a ranking factor.

Overall, using SSL can help to improve your website’s security and performance.

Kinsta makes it easy to install an SSL certificate on your WordPress site.

Simply select the “Force SSL” option in your account dashboard, and Kinsta will automatically install and configure the SSL certificate for you.

This is a great feature for users who want to add an extra layer of security to their website without having to deal with the technical details.

Malware scans and cleaning

Kinsta’s malware scanning and cleaning feature is an important part of keeping your website safe from attack.

By regularly scanning your site for malicious code and files, Kinsta can help you to quickly identify and remove any threats that may have been installed on your site.

In addition, Kinsta’s malware scanner can also help to prevent future attacks by identifying and blocking known malicious IP addresses.

By keeping your site free of malware, Kinsta can help to ensure that your visitors have a safe and enjoyable experience when they visit your site.

The feature also helps to speed up the process of identifying and fixing any security vulnerabilities on your site.

As a result, Kinsta’s malware scanning and cleaning feature is an essential tool for keeping your site safe from harm.


Kinsta is a WordPress hosting platform that utilizes CDN technology to deliver fast, reliable performance.

CDN stands for content delivery network, and it is a system of servers that delivers content to users based on their geographic location.

When a user requests a piece of content from a website, the CDN will direct them to the server closest to their location.

This helps to improve loading times and reduces the chance of errors or disruptions.

Kinsta has CDN features built into its platform, so users can benefit from this technology without having to set it up themselves.

In addition, Kinsta’s CDN is optimized for WordPress sites, so users can expect fast, efficient performance.

Premium DNS

Kinsta’s Premium DNS is a feature that is included with all of our hosting plans.

It is designed to give you the fastest and most reliable DNS performance possible.

Premium DNS is powered by Amazon Route 53, which is a highly scalable and globally distributed DNS service.

Route 53 uses anycast to route your traffic to the closest available DNS server, which helps to improve latency and performance.

Additionally,Premium DNS includes a number of features that are designed to protect your website from attacks, such as DDoS protection and CDN integration.

With Kinsta’s Premium DNS, you can be confident that your website will always be up and running at peak performance.

DDoS protection

DDoS, or Distributed Denial of Service, is a type of cyber attack that attempts to make a website or online service unavailable by overwhelming it with internet traffic from multiple sources.

Kinsta’s DDoS protection feature uses a combination of hardware and software to identify and block malicious traffic before it reaches your site.

This helps to keep your site online and accessible even in the face of a DDoS attack.

In addition, Kinsta’s DDoS protection feature can also help to identify the source of the attack and take steps to prevent future attacks.

As a result, Kinsta’s DDoS protection feature is an essential tool for keeping your website up and running in the face of a potentially devastating cyber attack.

Using PHP 7.4+. & Nginx

Kinsta is a hosting platform that utilizes the programming language PHP 7.4+ and the Nginx web server.

This combination of software provides users with anumber of features and benefits, including increased performance, security, and stability.

One of the most notable things about Kinsta is that it is one of the few hosting platforms that offers complete PHP 7.4+ compatibility.

This means that users can take advantage of all the new features and improvements that have been made to the language, without having to worry about compatibility issues.

Additionally, Kinsta uses Nginx as its web server, which is known for being extremely fast and efficient.

As a result, Kinsta is able to offer its users blazing-fast speeds and rock-solid stability.

Overall, the use of PHP 7.4+ and Nginx makes Kinsta a very powerful and reliable hosting platform.

Kinsta Performance

Load Time

Kinsta Hosting provides some of the quickest load times in the industry.

Pingdom shows that Kinsta’s servers are some of the fastest, with an average response time of under 200ms.

GT Matrix also ranks Kinsta highly, with a score of 97 out of 100.

And according to Webpagetest, Kinsta is one of the few hosts that consistently delivers loading times under 1 second.

In other words, if you’re looking for a host that can provide fast loading times, Kinsta should be at the top of your list.


Uptime is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a web hosting provider.

After all, why pay for a service that is constantly down?

Thankfully, Kinsta provides excellent uptime, as evidenced by their Pingdom and HostTracker scores.

In the past month, Kinsta has had an average uptime of 99.99%, with only a few outages totaling less than an hour.

This means that you can rest assured that your website will be up and running when your visitors come calling.

In addition, Kinsta offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee, so you’ll get a credit if your site does go down.

Consequently, you can have confidence that Kinsta will keep your site up and running, giving you peace of mind and ensuring that your visitors always have access to your content.

Server Response Time

Server response time is the time it takes for a web server to respond to a request from a browser.

The amount of time that it takes for a server to respond can vary depending on the type of server, the size of the file being requested, and the load on the server.

However, servers that are well-configured and well-maintained should be able to respond to requests in a timely manner.

There are a number of tools that can be used to measure server response time, including Pingdom and GTmetrix.

Both of these tools provide reports that give an overview of the response time for a given website.

In general, websites that have a lower average response time are considered to be faster than those with a higher response time.

In addition, both Pingdom and GTmetrix provide detailed information about the individual components of server response time, which can be useful for troubleshooting purposes.

Overall, Kinsta hosting services have good server response times according to both Pingdom and GTmetrix.

This is likely due to the fact that Kinsta uses Google Cloud Platform, which is known for its reliability and scalability.

In addition, Kinsta employs a number of performance-enhancing techniques, such as caching and content delivery networks.

All of these factors come together to create a hosting platform that is fast and responsive.

Global TTFB

Global TTFB is the measure of how long it takes for a web page to load from when a user initiates a request.

Kinsta hosting offers great global TTFB times, meaning that your pages will load quickly no matter where in the world your users are located.

One of the reasons for this is that Kinsta uses the Google Cloud Platform, which has data centers all over the world.

In general, Kinsta’s Global TTFB is around 30 ms. This means that Kinsta’s servers are able to deliver data very quickly, resulting in faster loading times for websites

This means that your pages are always being served from the closest data center to your users, which minimizes latency and ensures fast page load times.

In addition, Kinsta utilizes the latest performance-optimized technologies, such as HTTP/2 and NGINX, to further improve page loading speeds.

So if you’re looking for a hosting provider that can offer fast global TTFB times, then Kinsta is a great option to consider.

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics that measure the performance of a website from the user’s perspective.

They include factors such as Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift, load time, interactivity, and visual stability.

Google has announced that these metrics will be used as a ranking factor in its search algorithms, so it’s important for websites to ensure they’re meeting the standards.

Kinsta is a web hosting provider that takes performance seriously.

Its hosting plans are designed to deliver fast loading times and responsive interfaces.

In addition, Kinsta uses Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool to monitor its own performance and make sure it meets the standards for Core Web Vitals.

As a result, websites that are hosted on Kinsta can be confident they’re getting the speed and stability they need to rank highly in Google’s search results.

After the test on both GT Matrix and Google pagesspeed insights the results were as followed:

LCP -The average Largest Contentful Paint was recorded at 533ms

FID -The average First Input Delay was also recorded at 21ms

CLS -The average Cumulative Layout Shift had a score of 0.07ms

Overall, kinsta has great server response times with all the tests that were done.

Pros and Cons

There are a number of things to consider when choosing a web hosting provider, and each person’s needs will vary.

However, when it comes to quality and performance, Kinsta is hard to beat.

Here are some pros and cons to help you decide if Kinsta is the right host for you.


– Kinsta is built on Google’s infrastructure, so you can be confident that your site will be fast and reliable.

– Kinsta offers a variety of features and tools to help you manage your site, including free SSL certificates and CDN integration.

– Kinsta’s customer support is excellent, with 24/7 live chat available to answer any questions you may have.

-Userfriendly Interface

-Automatic Daily Backups

-Staging Sites

-30 days Money back gurantee

-2 months free I f paid yearly (Instant prorated refunds)


– Kinsta is more expensive than some other hosting providers. Basic plan starting from $30

– No Phone support

The Interface of Kinsta

Top 12 Reasons To Choose Kinsta For Your WordPress Site
kinsta wordpress webhosting review
kinsta wordpress webhosting review
Top 12 Reasons To Choose Kinsta For Your WordPress Site
Top 12 Reasons To Choose Kinsta For Your WordPress Site
kinsta wordpress webhosting review
kinsta wordpress webhosting review
kinsta wordpress webhosting review
kinsta wordpress webhosting review


My Kinsta Alternatives

Screenshot 2022 07 19T122728.089

Rating – 9.5/10


Screenshot 2022 07 24T164759.642

Rating – 8.8/10


Screenshot 2022 07 19T123915.005

Rating – 8.9/10


Screenshot 2022 07 19T125140.502

Rating – 9.1/10


Final Thoughts

Kinsta is a great option for anyone looking for a fast and reliable web hosting provider.

It’s perfect for businesses of all sizes, from small personal sites to large eCommerce stores.

Kinsta offers a wide range of features and tools to help you manage your website, and its customer support is excellent.

The only downside is that Kinsta is more expensive than some other hosting providers, but you get what you pay for in terms of quality and performance.

In my personal opinion if you’re looking for a top-notch web hosting provider, then Kinsta should be at the top of your list.

I hope I have answered all your queries in this kinsta wordpress webhosting review

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Frequently Asked Questions

Kinsta is Premium Managed WordPress hosting for sites that mean business. Kinsta currently has a rapidly growing club of 24,400+ companies that include high-traffic blogs, startups, agencies, universities, and Fortune 500 companies.

Yes, Kinsta offers super-fast, reliable managed WordPress hosting, powered by Google Cloud Platform. Kinsta exclusively offers the highest-end CPUs and global availability thanks to Google’s C2 machines. Our clients are seeing performance improvements from 30% all the way up to 200%!

Kinsta uses a number of key metrics to determine plan tiers. If none of our current plans are a good fit, then you can request a custom plan tailored to your exact needs by reaching out to the sales team.

Kinsta does offer dedicated server hosting. To get started with a dedicated server, you’ll first need an active Kinsta hosting plan with enough visits and disk space for all sites in your account. From there, our team will be able to provide you with an accurate dedicated server quote.

Yes, Kinsta can migrate as many WordPress sites as you need from another host. Kinsta allows for unlimited free standard WordPress migrations in most cases. The exception being that it is not available for multisite networks or for sites using WP Engine’s LargeFS.

All sites on Kinsta are protected by our free Cloudflare integration. Cloudflare is a leading provider of web security and performance services. With Cloudflare integration, sites hosted on Kinsta are protected by an intelligent firewall that also includes free DDoS protection.

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