
What Are LSI Keywords and How to Use Them for Boosted SEO Results

lsi keywords meaning what are lsi keywords lsi keywords

If you’re looking for ways to boost your SEO results, you may have heard of LSI keywords. But the big question that comes to mind is what are LSI keywords? And more importantly, how can you use them to improve your SEO?

LSI keywords are important for your SEO efforts because they help you to rank better without having to use as many exact match keywords.

This is because LSI keywords are related to your target keyword, and Google understands this relationship

In this blog post, I will answer those questions and give you some tips on how to start using LSI keywords in your own content. Let’s get started!

What are Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords?

LSI keywords are a type of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keyword. LSI is a process that looks at the relationships between words to determine the meaning of a piece of content.

It does this by looking at how often certain words appear together and in what context they appear. From this, Google can understand the overall theme of your content and match it with searcher intent.

For example, if you’re writing about “pizza delivery”, Google will know that you’re talking about food delivery and not package delivery.

This is important because it helps you to rank for a variety of keywords that are related to your main keyword, without having to use them all explicitly.

It also helps you to avoid keyword stuffing, which is when you stuff your content full of exact match keywords in an attempt to rank higher.

This can actually hurt your ranking because it makes your content difficult to read and Google will penalize you for it.

What is Keyword Density and why you should know about it?

Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a page, compared to the total number of words on the page.

For example, if a page has 100 words and the keyword appears five times, then the keyword density would be five percent.

You should know about keyword density because it’s one of the factors that Google looks at when determining whether or not your content is relevant to a searcher’s query.

If you stuff your content full of keywords, your keyword density will be too high and Google will think you’re trying to game the system. This can hurt your ranking.

On the other hand, if your keyword density is too low, Google may not think your content is relevant to the searcher’s query.

This is why it’s important to find a balance when using keywords in your content. And one of the best ways to do this is by using LSI keywords.

LSI keywords are related to your target keyword and help you to achieve a healthy keyword density without having to stuff your content full of keywords. 

How to Find LSI Keywords?

Google Search Engine – Results Page (SERP)

The best way to find LSI keywords is to look at the related searches that appear at the bottom of Google’s search engine results page (SERP).

These are the terms and phrases that Google thinks are related to your target keyword. For example, if you’re targeting the keyword “pizza delivery”, some of the related searches that might appear are “pizza near me”, “fast pizza delivery”, and “pizza coupons”.

lsi keywords meaning what are lsi keywords lsi keywords
lsi keywords meaning what are lsi keywords lsi keywords

Google AdWords Keyword Planner

Another great way to find LSI keywords is with Google’s AdWords Keyword Planner. This tool allows you to see how often certain words and phrases are searched for on Google.

You can use this information to determine which LSI keywords are most relevant to your target keyword.

To use the AdWords Keyword Planner, create a free account and then click on “Tools” and “Keyword Planner”.

From there, you can enter your target keyword and see a list of related keywords and their monthly search volume.

lsi keywords meaning what are lsi keywords lsi keywords

LSI Graph

LSI graph is a free keyword research tool that allows you to input a seed keyword and returns a list of related keywords. You can use these LSI keywords on your website to improve your SEO.

To use LSI graph, create an account and enter your website’s URL. You will then be given

a list of related keywords that you can use in your content.

It is very easy to use lsi graph and it is a great tool for finding lsi keywords.

lsi keywords meaning what are lsi keywords lsi keywords


This is another great LSI keyword tool. The free version of KWFinder gives you only a few search queries per day, but it’s still a great tool for finding related keywords.

To use KWFinder, create an account and enter your target keyword.

There are a lot of filters that you can use to find the right LSI keywords for your website.

You can also use KWFinder to find Long Tail Keywords too.

lsi keywords meaning what are lsi keywords lsi keywords


My personal favorite tool for finding keywords is Ahrefs. It’s a paid tool, but it’s worth every penny.

To use Ahrefs, create an account and enter your target keyword.

To find LSI keywords in Ahrefs you have to go into keyword explorer and then look for keyword suggestions

The details like keyword difficulty, CPC, and search volume will be mentioned here which helps you a lot to narrow down your final list of keywords

lsi keywords meaning what are lsi keywords lsi keywords

How to choose LSI keywords

User Intent

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing LSI keywords is user intent.

User intent is what the searcher is looking for when they type in a particular keyword or phrase.

There are four main types of user intent:

Informational: The searcher is looking for information about a particular topic.

Navigational: The searcher is looking for a specific website or webpage.

Transactional: The searcher is looking to buy something.

Commercial Investigation: The searcher is considering buying something, but they want more information before making a decision.

You should choose LSI keywords that match the user intent of your target keyword. For example, if you’re targeting the keyword “pizza delivery”, some of the related searches that might appear are “pizza near me”, “fast pizza delivery”, and “pizza coupons”.

These keywords all have transactional intent, which means that people who search for these terms are looking to buy something.

If you’re selling pizza, then these are the types of keywords that you want to target.

Search Volume

Another important factor to consider when choosing LSI keywords is search volume. This is the number of times a particular keyword or phrase is searched for on Google each month.

You can use Google AdWords Keyword Planner to see the monthly search volume for different keywords and phrases.

Choose LSI keywords that have a high monthly search volume, as this means there is more demand for these terms.

Keyword Difficulty

Keyword difficulty is a measure of how difficult it is to rank for a particular keyword or phrase.

You can use tools like Moz Keyword Explorer and SEMrush Keyword Difficulty Tool to see the difficulty of different keywords and phrases.

Choose LSI keywords that have a low keyword difficulty, as this means they will be easier to rank for.

What are the benefits of using LSI keywords?

There are many benefits of using LSI keywords, including:

Improved SEO results: By targeting LSI keywords, you can improve your website’s SEO and rank higher in search engine results pages.

More targeted traffic: By targeting more specific keywords, you can attract more targeted traffic to your website.

Increased conversion rate: If you’re targeting transactional keywords, then you can increase your website’s conversion rate by attracting people who are looking to buy something.

Higher click-through rate: Targeting navigational keywords can help you attract visitors who are specifically looking for your website or webpage.

How to use LSI keywords on your website?

Once you’ve chosen the right LSI keywords for your website, you need to start using them on your website. Here are some tips:

Use LSI keywords in your title tags: Your title tag is the most important place to use LSI keywords, as this is what appears in search engine results pages.

Use LSI keywords in your meta descriptions: Your meta description is also a good place to use LSI keywords, as this is what appears underneath your title tag in search engine results pages.

Use LSI keywords in your headings and subheadings: Using LSI keywords in your headings and subheadings helps Google understand the topic of your page and can help you rank higher for those terms.

Use LSI keywords in your content: Use LSI keywords throughout your content to help Google understand the topic of your page and to improve your chances of ranking for those terms.

Use LSI keywords in your alt tags: When you add images to your website, make sure to include relevant LSI keywords in the alt text. This helps Google understand what the image is about and can help you rank higher for those terms.

By following these tips, you can start using LSI keywords on your website and see improved SEO results.

Final Thoughts

LSI keywords are a great way to improve your website’s SEO and attract more targeted traffic.

When choosing LSI keywords, make sure to consider search volume, keyword difficulty, and user intent. And don’t forget to use them on your website!

I hope now you have a clear understanding of what are LSI keywords and how to use them.

To learn more read these articles

All about keyword research

7 Free Keyword Research Tools Every Beginner Must Know

All You Need To Know About Google Keyword Planner: Powerful Free SEO Tool

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