
7 Free Keyword Research Tools Every Beginner Must Know in 2022

Free Keyword Research Tools

7 Free Keyword Research Tools Every Beginner Must Know in 2022

Free Keyword Research Tools

Doing keyword research is very important as you need to plan your content based on various aspects like search volume, competition, keyword difficulty, common questions around the keyword, etc

When getting started most of the people are on a tight budget and cannot afford expensive keyword research tools.

As I personally have been there I can understand your pain.

This is why I have made a list of the 7 best free keyword research tools that you can use to get started.

With help of these tools, you will be able to find keywords to create content that will help you bring organic traffic.

1.  Alsoasked.com

What this tool does is, if you put your keyword in the tool it generates the best possible questions people are searching around that keyword.

With help of this tool, you can brainstorm and generate content ideas.

The tool is in the beta phase so it is free right now.

The data generated by the tool is based on the people who have searched for the question on google and not on Google’s suggestions.

Use this tool to generate the blog ideas around the keyword.

How to use this Asloasked.com

  1. Put your keyword Phrase
  2. Choose your target country
  3. You get a mind map of questions created from your keyword phrase
  4. Note the best questions around which you can create content or export the CSV file
  5. You can also save it in PNG format.
Free Keyword Research Tools
Free Keyword Research Tools

2. LSIgraph.com

First, let’s understand what LSI stands for? LSI in the world of SEO stands for “ Latent Semantic Indexing”.

LSI is the type of keywords where you get the synonyms as well as the other commonly searched words and phrases around the keyword you have searched.

LSIgraph.com is a tool that is made around this keyword type.

The tool is free to use for up to 20 searches queries a day and 50 keywords per search query.

When you are getting started, you can use this tool for content idea generation.

What this tool does is, once you search for any keyword it generates long-tail keywords, phrases, or even sentences that are commonly searched by people around that keyword.

One more cool feature about this tool is it shows some top-ranking content around that keyword, using which you can brainstorm for your own content.

Note down blog ideas that you like because you won’t be able to export in the free version.

Free Keyword Research Tools
Free Keyword Research Tools

3. Niche Laboratory

This is also a free LIS keyword generator tool which has some cool features like a list of top webpages, article ideas, long-tail keywords, resources, related niches, a brief competition analysis, and more.

The best thing about this tool is, you get 150 keywords per search queries and get unlimited searches.

The tool is good for content idea generation when getting started.

You don’t get option to export the file, but you can easily copy paste the list.

Free Keyword Research Tools

4. Keyword Sheeter

This is also a free keyword research tool. This tool really stands out compared to other tools in the market as it is actually fully functional and free.

In the free version you get lot of keyword suggestions which is good when getting started.

To get all the in depth data reports you will have to opt for premium version.

The unique feature of this tool is you get Positive and Negative filters, which you can use according to your content and targeted audience.

Free Keyword Research Tools

5. Google Keyword Planner

This is a free tool that comes built-in inside Google ads. To use Keyword planner you have to open an account on Google Ads first, then you get to access the keyword planner tool.

In my opinion, this should be the most trusted and authentic source of information about the keywords as it is coming from Google itself.

One of the best feature you get for free with a keyword planner is getting to know the average monthly searches, competition, and some more related options.

The data you get in keyword planner is limited, but as it is free and is a Google tool it is good to go when getting started.

To access Google Keyword Planner just go Google Ads Account > Tools & Settings > Planning > Keyword Planner

Free Keyword Research Tools
Free Keyword Research Tools
Free Keyword Research Tools

6. Google Trends

The use case of this tool is a little different from other keyword research tools.

With Google trends, you get to know the trend of any topic throughout the year.

With the information from research on Google trends, you can decide whether to go for a specific keyword topic or not.

Let’s suppose you search for a keyword that has the low trend for six months and a high for six months, now in this case you know the traffic for the keyword topic is going to be low for at least six months.

This is how you can use this tool when getting started, and the best thing is the tool is absolutely free.

11 Tips to Help You Create SEO Friendly Content

7. Answerthepublic.com

This tool is somewhat similar to alsoasked.com, you just have to put your keyword phrase in the tool and it will present you with related questions in form of a mind map or data version.

The main difference between alsoasked.com and this tool is, this tool brings the set questions based on google auto-suggestions whereas alsoasked.com brings questions that are actually searched by the people.

Both the tools are equally good and important as they bring a different perspective to the table.

The tool is free for the basic version which is enough when you are just starting.

Free Keyword Research Tools
Free Keyword Research Tools

Final Thoughts

I hope you found this information helpful.

Keyword research is important even when you are a beginner and just starting, but don’t opt for expensive keyword research tools directly.

Get started, spend some time with these free tools, create some high-quality content.

Once you learn how this system works and get confidence then you can go for paid version keyword tools.

Remember this is a process, the first six months will be only learning and understanding how things work, so don’t rush, keep your patience.

Read these articles to learn about 

How to do keyword research?

How to choose a blog niche?

How to start a blog?

How to Start Affiliate Marketing Business in 2022?

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