
All You Need To Know About how to choose a blog topic | Powerful Guide


You want to start a blog and have millions of ideas running in your head and now you are confused about what to do?  Right?

Don’t beat yourself, choosing a niche is one of the most tedious and consuming part when you are starting your blogging journey.

While choosing the niche there is a basic framework that you need to take into consideration.

In this article, I will tell you step-wise points on HOW TO CHOOSE A BLOG TOPIC  and things that you need to take into consideration and also will give some blogging niche ideas to help you get started with your blogging journey.

Why choosing the right BLOG TOPIC is important when starting your blogging journey?

The biggest question that must be running in your mind when starting is DO I EVEN NEED A Blog Topic to blog?

Well, you do need to find a specific niche before you start. Let me tell you why?

When you start a blog you are building your community, so attracting people with the same interest would be easy than people with vague interests right? Exactly!

Once you start writing on a specific niche you start attracting people all around the world to that specific niche leading to building your community and authority in that specific niche over a period of time.

Understand the basic human Psychology, once the reader is on your site and had read your high-value article he or she tends to take a look around your site.

If your site is all about that niche those people are going to keep coming back to your site, as you have carved an impression in their mind about a specific niche.

This is how a reader eventually a buyer journey starts with you.

What exactly is Blog Topic Niche? How does this work in the Blogging world?

Niche in the simplest language is a specific topic that is narrowed down. Simple right?

Well, most people either get stuck or mess when trying to blog on “Specific Topic”.

Why does this happen? Most people tend to confuse what exactly is a specific niche.

I will give you an example,                                                     

Writing about pet animals might seem like a specific topic, but you need to narrow it down like writing on pet dogs, even further narrow down writing on pet guard dogs, or all about German shepherds or golden retrievers.

Got it?

So what is the basic lesson that we learn from this example?

If you are writing on large generalized topics like pet animals you will find scattered traffic on your site leading to less growth,

 but on the other hand, if you narrow it down to guard dogs you will see repeated traffic and also growth in the long term.

If your topic falls in this bracket you are good to go.

Remember to take your future goals with the blog site into consideration.

Always remember your interest and monetization should go hand in hand if you are not doing this for a hobby.

Doing Research and Brainstorming for Blog Topic Niche

This point is very crucial in your business, do not rush or make any rash decisions.

Being careful in your research at this point is very important as you might start and put a lot of time and effort and then realize this niche is not the one. This will demotivate you.

While starting your research you need to understand the future business prospect of the niche. You might wonder Why?

As this has happened to me I need to highlight one major mistake we do when starting,

All the articles about selecting the niche I read or even the YouTube videos that I watched, all said only one thing that you should focus on your likings, your passion, but let me tell you that this is the worst advice you can ever get when starting Blogging as a business.

You might have an interest or passion which will have no business market. What I learned from this type of experience was, your passion or interest should always go hand in hand with the money or business aspect.

This is the baseline you need to establish when starting your Research and Brainstorming.

As we have established the baseline you must be wondering how exactly should I start my research.

Don’t worry, just follow these guidelines.

  1. Make a list of products or niches that you are passionate about.
  2. Once the list is done, do the research on the money aspect of all those topics.
  3. Once you strike the balance, you have hit the jackpot.

Striking balance is very important as this will help the blogging business in the long run.

Just think in this way, if you are passionate about a particular niche but there is no one to buy it, or you got into a niche that has a lot of buyers but you have no interest in it.

Both the cases are going to lead towards only one outcome and that is Failure.

So remember to strike the balance when deciding your niche.

How to implement these guidelines

In the final stage of your niche research you might end up having multiple niches that you feel have the balance, but often time you come to that conclusion because of a lack of in-depth research.

I will tell you how I go deep and do the research considering all three points.

  1. Passion

While selecting a niche you have to give importance to your passion towards the specific niche. While money business prospect is very important, you simply cannot ignore passion or likings about the topic, niche, or product.

You might wonder why is this so important if money and business prospect is what going to drive the business for you? Right?

The internet is filled with millions of blogs and bloggers, the only way you can make a place for yourself is by giving super high-quality valuable content that really makes some change in the reader’s life.

The only way you can achieve and maintain this in long run is by having a liking or passion for the topic.

Blogging as a business takes time to take off, and for you to keep going even after putting effort without success for some time you need that passion or liking for the niche.

In the initial stage of your blogging journey when you have just started you are very excited, but what you need to do is, sit down and identify whether you can write about this niche even after 1 year, after posting 100s of blogs.

Once you see some success you get more driven, but to reach that point passion or liking is very important. This is why I have said the balance of Passion & Business prospect is what we try to find.

2. Money

When starting your research for the money aspect, two main questions need to be properly answered.

  • Are people even searching for the products, information, and words in that niche?
  • How to make money from that niche?

Let’s look at the first question

There are three ways that I like to use to find out how much interest is in the topic.

  1. Using Google Search Engine

When you type your niche question in the Google search engine you get autosuggestions, note them down..

Niche Blog Blogging

The next step is to go to the bottom of that searched page, where you get even more suggestions that people are searching related to the topic.

By doing this you understand how and what are people searching for in that niche. 

If the questions match what you thought, you are good to go, or else you can make changes

according to the suggestions.

Niche Blog Blogging

2. Google Trends Tool

Google Trends is a popular tool made by Google that helps us to understand the search trend, like how popular the trend is, or are there major ups and downs about the trend throughout the year.

So in google trends, you put the main term in the niche and do the search. You will see the results same as the image below.

Niche Google trend

If the trend shows major down or frequent downs you should avoid the topic because the trend that is good throughout the year is going to make you money in the long term.

There is one more feature in Google trend where you can do the side by side comparison to understand which one is doing better throughout the year. Use this feature to narrow down when doing your content.

Niche Google Trend

3. Keyword Research

Once you understand the popularity of the trend now is the time to narrow down it further.

Trends are just a basic idea about the topic throughout the year, so you still need to know like the monthly searches, keyword difficulty, etc.

There are many keyword tools in the market some are free and some are paid you can use any of them.

For starting you can use Google KeyWord Planner, Ubersugget, KWFinder, SEMrush.

When you use any of these tools, the main thing that you need to find out is the monthly search volume about your niche.

There is no hard and fast rule but somewhat between 1000 to 3000 is good when starting.

These are the three ways you can use to understand whether your niche content is going to get any traffic or not.

But the next big question is, How to Make Money on these niche topics.

Basically, there are multiple ways you can monetize and make money from your blogging niche website. Let’s see what they are and how you can implement them in your niche research.

  1. Affiliate Marketing – This is the best source of monetization you can start with your blog. What you need to do is join Affiliate Programs and then search products in your blog niche.

There are many affiliate platforms out there, you just have to get approval to join them, just put your details and insert your blog website, and done.

Once you get the approval and get the affiliate link for the product in your niche, you can create high-quality content around that product and post it on your website.

If you have created content that solves buyers’ problems, they will buy from your link, if the content is not engaging enough they will move on to another website.

So remember high-quality valuable content is the only way you are going to be successful in the long run. These are a few affiliate platforms you can join as per your niche.

  1. Ad Networks – This source monetization works well and can give substantial income over a period of time.

But there is a catch here, only after you start getting a good amount of traffic to your website, you can monetize or rather should monetize your blog website using this method.

In the initial stage when you are getting less views don’t bother to opt for this method, because the income is so low that it is only going to demotivate you.

But once you start hitting a good amount of views you can make around 2.5 cents per view per month. You can try these popular ad networks.

  1. Brand Collaborations – Once you establish your audience and have good monthly traffic you can do this method of monetization with your blog.

Basically, you collaborate with a brand in your niche and do high-quality valuable content around it helping the brand to increase its reach.

The brand pays you as per the reach you give them.

  1. Creating Digital Products – This method could be termed an advanced level of monetization for your blog.

To use this method you need to establish your authority in your niche.

This will happen slowly over the period of time as you start getting a loyal audience that keep coming back to your site for all the queries in your niche.

You can create these types of digital products and sale on your site itself.

  • Ebooks
  • Online Course
  • Templates
  • Paid Workshops
  • Paid Webinars
  • Audio Books
  • Stock Media
  • Paid exclusive use case Apps

Final Thoughts

Thanks for reading, I hope I have answered all the questions about How to Choose a BLOG TOPIC.

Remember everyone is a beginner at some point and has to start from somewhere.

Blogging and making money from blogs is long term game, so keep patience and keep moving forward.

Best luck with your blogging journey and I hope you achieve all your goals.

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